Table 23-1 TWAVeform Parameter Values
Parameter Value
delay_value real number between 2500 s and +2500 s
module_spec {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} 2 through 10 unused
bit_id integer from 0 to 31
waveform string containing <acquisition_spec> {1|2}
acquisition_spec {A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J} (slot where acquisition card is located)
label_name string of up to 6 alphanumeric characters
label_pattern "{#B{0|1|X} . . . |
occurrence integer
time_value real number
label_id string of one alpha and one numeric character
module_num slot number in which the time base card is installed
time_range real number between 10 ns and 10 ks
run_until_spec {OFF|LT,<value>|GT,<value>|INRange<value>,
GT greater than
LT less than
value r eal number
time_val real number from 0 to 500 representing seconds
TWAVeform Subsystem23–6