Figure 27-1
Root Level Command Syntax Diagram
AUToscaleCommand :AUToscale
The AUToscale command causes the oscilloscope to automatically select the
vertical sensitivity, vertical offset, trigger source, trigger level and timebase
settings for optimum viewing of any input signals. The trigger source is the
lowest channel on which the trigger was found. If no trigger is found, the
oscilloscope defaults to auto-trigger. The display window configuration is not
altered by AUToscale.
To demonstrate a quick oscilloscope setup, we will use the AC CAL OUTPUT
signal available at the rear panel of the card. This square wave is normally
used for calibration and probe compensation.
Connect the AC CAL OUTPUT signal from the rear panel output connector to
CHAN 1, also on the rear panel. Ensure that the mainframe is connected to a
controller. Enter the program listed on the next page and execute it.
Oscilloscope Root Level Commands