Table 14-1 WLISt Parameter Values
Parameter Value
delay_value Real number between 2500 s and +2500 s
module_spec {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} (slot where timing card is
installed, 2 through 10 unused)
bit_id An integer from 0 to 31
label_name String of up to 6 alphanumeric characters
line_num_mid_screen An integer from 8191 to +8191
waveform String containing <acquisition spec> {1|2}
time_value Real number
time_range Real number between 10 ns and 10 ks
Selector :WLISt
The WLISt (Waveforms/LISting) selector is used as a part of a compound
header to access the settings normally found in the Mixed Mode menu.
Because the WLISt command is a root level command, it will always appear
as the first element of a compound header.
The WLISt subsystem is only available when one or more state analyzers, with
time tagging on, are specified.
Example OUTPUT XXX;":WL IST:XTIME 40.0 E6"
WLISt Subsystem