Reading the Disk with the CATalog? Query
This example program uses the CATALOG? query without the ALL option
to read the catalog of the disk currently in the logic analyzer disk drive.
However, if you do not use the ALL option, the query only returns a
51-character field. Keep in mind if you use this program with a DOS disk,
each filename entry will be truncated at 51 characters.
10 ! ****** DISK CATALOG ******
20 ! using the CATALOG? que ry
30 !
40 DIM File$[100]
50 DIM Specifier$[2]
60 OUTPUT 707;":EO I ON"
80 !
90 OUTPUT 707;":MM EMORY:CATALO G?" ! send CATALOG? query
100 !
110 ENTER 707 USING "#,2A";Specifier$ ! read in #8
120 ENTER 707 USING "#,8D";Length ! read in block length
130 !
140 ! Read and print each file in the directory
150 !
160 FOR I=1 TO Length STEP 51
170 ENTER 707 USING "#,51A";File$
180 PRINT File$
190 NEXT I
200 ENTER 707 USING "A";Specifier$ ! read in final line feed
210 END
Programming Examples
Reading the Disk with the CATalog? Query