There are 23 subsystems in this instrument. In the command tree (figure
4-1) they are shown as branches, with the node above showing the name of
the subsystem. Only one subsystem may be selected at a time. At power on,
the command parser is set to the root of the command tree; therefore, no
subsystem is selected. The 23 subsystems in the 1660-series logic analyzers
SYSTem - controls some basic functions of the instrument.
MMEMory - provides access to the internal disk drive.
INTermodule - provides access to the Intermodule bus (IMB).
MACHine - provides access to analyzer functions and subsystems.
WLISt - allows access to the mixed (timing/state) functions.
SFORmat - allows access to the state format functions.
STRigger - allows access to the state trigger functions.
SLISt - allows access to the state listing functions.
SWAVeform - allows access to the state waveforms functions.
SCHart - allows access to the state chart functions.
COMPare - allows access to the compare functions.
TFORmat - allows access to the timing format functions.
TTRigger - allows access to the timing trigger functions.
TWAVeform - allows access to the timing waveforms functions.
TLISt - allows access to the timing listing functions.
SYMBol - allows access to the symbol specification functions.
ACQuire - sets up acquisition conditions for the digitize function.
CHANnel - controls the oscilloscope channel display and vertical axis.
DISPlay - allows data to be displayed.
MARKer - allows access to the oscilloscope’s time and voltage markers.
MEASure - allows automatic parametric measurements.
TIMebase - controls the oscilloscope timebase and horizontal axis.
Programming and Documentation Conventions