Glossary 9
Agilent FrameScope350 User’s Manual 233
assigned to them. DHCP assigns a unique IP address. A device
may request a subnet mask, default router address, name server
address, and other parameters and addresses.
DHCP server A ny of several kinds o f devices that provid e DHCP
services. These commonly include file servers and routers.
Diagnostic Responder IPX echo tool (ping).
DNS Domain Name Server or Domain Name Services. A
capability used widely within both the Internet and corporate
networks that resolves (or matches) names with IP addresses.
For example, if a workstation needs to retrieve a web page from, a request containing the name is sent to a
domain name server. That server, or another acting on its
behalf, will respond with the IP address of the host at which the
web page is stored.
DNS Domain A Internet naming hierarchy such as
Domain Controller In an NT environment, the dom ain controller
has the responsibility for storing certain information about
users, resources and devices on the network. There will be a
primary domain controller and a backup domain controller.
These are referred to as the PDC and BDC, respectively.
E-Mail Electronic Mail - A system of sending messages and
files across the network from one user to another.
E-mail Server A device that stores incoming and outgoing
E-mail messages. The protocol most often used for retrieving
messages from the E-mail server to a user’s workstation is POP3
(Post Office Protocol #3). Conversely, the protocol most often
used to send E-mail messages from the workstation to the
E-mail server is SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. ) SMTP is
also used in order that the source and destination E-mail
servers may exchange E-mails.
File Server A generic term for a device that provides files upon
request. It overlaps other commonly used terms such as Novell
server, NT server, and Unix server, which are more specific
because they ind icate the operating system running in the file
server. File servers ofte n provide other functions such as
remote access, DHCP, or security related services.