Network Performance Analyzer Reference 8
Network Performance Autotest
Agilent FrameScope350 User’s Manual 185
The Default Autotest Suite
The FrameScope boots up with the <Default> suite selected.
When the <Default> suite is selected, the FrameScope
automatically creates an Autotest suite from the servers listed
in the Network Database.
Editing Tests
Each test has parameters that specify the test’s behavior and
coverage. For instance, there is a well-known port for web
servers to listen on, but a web server may have been configured
to listen at a different port. So, the port number is provided as a
parameter with the well-known port number as the default.
User names and passwords are also included as parameters for
tests that can provide extra coverage by logging in to a server.
The extra coverage may in clude reading a file or re trieving
E-mail. Each server has a default test that can be performed
without the user providing any set up information so that a new
test can be configured with minimal effort. After selecting a
specific name or address, the Edit button starts up a wizard
which allows the test's parameters to be modified. See the
description of each test below for more information.
Deleting Tests
The Delete button operates on the selected test or test heading.
If a test is selected when the Delete button is pressed, the test is
removed from the Autotest suite. If a heading such as 6 Print
Server is selected, all of the print server tests will be removed
from the suite.