Cable Testing with the FrameScope 350 3
Viewing Result Details
Agilent FrameScope350 User’s Manual 85
boundary on passing test plots. On failing test plots, the Worst Margin
button places the line at the frequency where the results exceed the
acceptable limits the most. You can move the cursor around the plot
screen by pressing the area you want to see and then using the scroll
rocker to fine tune the location. The frequency of the cursor is displayed
and the values in the table correspond to the cursor location.
A chart below the plot shows detail results of the current location of the
cursor at the FrameScope and DualRemote, and the limits for the test
parameter, as follows:
Data: This is the worst case of the test results at the cursor location.
Limit: The limit of passing results, set when the test standard is chosen
at the cursor location.
Margin: The difference between the Data value and the Limit value at
the cursor location.
The plots are color coded for different wire pairs. The plot lines
displayed can be changed by pressing Settings and selecting All Plots,
All Local Plots, All Remote Plots, Worst Case Plot, or Select Single Plot.
You can also choose to show plots to 100 MHz, 250 MHz, or 350 MHz ,as
long as the test was run to the frequency selected. For example, if the
test was run to 250 MHz, you could not see plots to 350 MHz. See “Setting
the Maximum Frequency” on page132.
Locator Screens
Locator screens aid in finding faults on the tested cable. The examples
above show Locator screens for a passing test, at left, and a failing one,
at right. Note the difference in the plots, where the failing result shows a
peak where the failure occurs. The tape measure provides a reading of
where the failure occurs. It will be placed on the right-hand side of the
screen if showing the distance from the DualRemote. If there are more
than one peak, you can press the plot area near the peak and fine tune