Network Performance Analyzer Reference | 8 |
Network Database
•Broadcast RIP v1 and v2 routing table requests
5Every 300 seconds:
•Send an ARP for each IP address in the subnet range
•For every ARP response received, send an ICMP echo request
6Every 300 seconds:
•Reset IP services
7Every 30 seconds (and whenever a new IP address is learned)
•Discover IP Services
a.Discover Domain Controller
b.Discover Domain Browsers
c.For each IP station in the station list which has not been probed yet:
1)Query the DNS servers to get the hostname for the IP address.
2)ARP the IP address
3)Start a TCP connect to the LPD port to check for an IP printer server.
4)Use SNMP to request the system name
5)Use SNMP to request the subnet mask
6)Start a TCP connect to the HTTP port to check for a web server
d.For each MAC in the station list
1)Mark as router any MAC that has more than one IP address associated, one of which is marked as remote
8Every 60 Seconds:
•Broadcast an IPX SAP Request
Agilent FrameScope 350 User’s Manual | 183 |