EN 3
Contents |
| |
1.0 | Introduction | 8 |
1.1 | 8 | |
1.2 | Quick Start | 9 |
1.2.1 | Set the Date and Time | 9 |
1.2.2 | 9 | |
1.2.3 | Zone Types | 10 |
2.0 | Codepad Indicators | 10 |
| Codepad | 12 |
2.4 | 13 | |
3.0 | System Operations | 14 |
3.1 | Arming the System in AWAY Mode | 14 |
3.2Disarming the System from AWAY Mode14
3.3 | Arming the System in STAY Mode 1 | 14 |
3.4Disarming the System from STAY Mode 115
3.5 | Arming The System in STAY Mode 2 ...... 15 |
3.6Disarming the System from STAY Mode 216
3.7 | Codepad Duress Alarm | 16 |
3.8 | Codepad Panic Alarm | 16 |
3.9 | Codepad Fire Alarm | 17 |
3.10 | Codepad Medical Alarm | 17 |
3.11 | Isolating Zones | 17 |
3.11.1 | Standard Isolating | 17 |
3.11.2 | Code to Isolate | 17 |
3.12 | Fault Analysis Mode | 18 |
3.13 | Fault Descriptions | 18 |
.4.0 Remote Radio Transmitter Operations | 20 |
4.1Indications from Remote Radio Transmitter
Operations | 21 |
4.2Remote Radio User Code Priority Levels. 21
4.3Changing or Deleting Remote Radio User
| Codes | 21 |
5.0 | System Functions | 22 |
5.1 | Installer Code Functions | 22 |
5.1.1 | Add or Delete RF Wireless Devices | 22 |
5.1.2Set the Number of Days until the First Test
| Report | 23 |
5.1.3 Change Domestic Phone Numbers | 23 | |
5.1.4 Change Telco Arm/Disarm Sequence | 24 | |
5.1.5 | Setting STAY Mode 2 Zones | 25 |
5.1.6 | Satellite Siren Service Mode | 25 |
5.1.7Turning Telephone Monitor Mode On and
| Off | 25 |
5.1.8 | Walk Test Mode | 26 |
5.1.9 | Event Memory Recall Mode | 26 |
5.2 | Master Code Functions | 27 |
5.2.1Arm or Disarm Both Areas at the Same
Time | 27 |
5.2.2 Changing and Deleting User Codes | 27 |
5.2.3Changing and Deleting Remote Radio User
| Codes | 28 |
5.2.4 Changing Domestic Phone Numbers | 28 | |
5.2.5 Change Telco Arm/Disarm Sequence | 29 | |
5.2.6 Setting STAY Mode 2 Zones | 30 | |
5.2.7 | Turning Outputs On/Off | 30 |
5.2.8 Setting the Date and Time | 31 | |
5.2.9 | Walk Test Mode | 31 |
5.3 | User Code Functions | 32 |
5.3.1Arm or Disarm Both Areas at the Same
| Time | 32 |
5.4 | 32 | |
5.4.1 | Arm the System in AWAY Mode | 32 |
5.4.2 | Arm the System in STAY Mode 1 | 32 |
5.4.3 | Arm the System in STAY Mode 2 | 32 |
5.4.4 | Horn Speaker Test | 33 |
5.4.5 | Bell Test | 33 |
5.4.6 | Strobe Test | 33 |
5.4.7 | Turning Day Alarm On and Off | 33 |
5.4.8 | Fault Analysis Mode | 33 |
5.4.9 | Initiate a Modem Call | 33 |
5.4.10 | Reset Latching Outputs | 33 |
5.4.11 | Change the Codepad Buzzer Tone | 33 |
5.4.12 | Send Test Report | 34 |
6.0 | Remote Arming by Telephone | 34 |
7.0 | Programming | 34 |
7.1Programming with the Remote Codepad.. 34
7.2Programming with the Programming Key 35
7.3 | Programming Option Bits | 36 |
7.4 | Installer’s Programming Commands | 36 |
7.4.1Command 959 – Test the Programming Key
......................................................................... 36
7.4.2Command 960 – Exit from Installer's
Programming Mode | 37 |
7.4.3Command 961 – Reset the Control Panel to
Factory Default Settings | 37 |
7.4.4Command 962 – Copy the Control Panel
Memory to the Programming Key | 37 |
7.4.5Command 963 – Copy the Programming
Key to the Control Panel | 37 |
7.4.6Command 964 – Erase the Programming
Key | 38 |
7.4.7Command 965 – Set Up Domestic Dialing
Format | 38 |
7.4.8Command 966 – Enable/Disable the
Automatic Stepping of Locations | 38 |