¥Disabled (not participating in the bridging process or in operation of the Spanning Tree Algorithm and protocol). If the Spanning Tree Mode is set to Disabled, the bridge port will not send or accept any STE frames. Any STE frame received will be discarded. The Spanning Tree Expl Þeld at the ConÞguration window, and the STE Frames Þeld at the Status window will both read ÒDisabled.Ó
Making and Setting Changes
The Source Route ConÞguration window allows you to affect changes for the following Source Route Bridging parameters: Bridge Number, Local Segment, Target Segment, Hop Count Limit, and the deviceÕs Spanning Tree Mode.
To make a change to Bridge Number, Local Segment, Target Segment, or Hop Count Limit, use the mouse to highlight the existing value in the desired Þeld, and type in a new value.
To set the Spanning Tree Mode to Auto or Manual, click on the option button next to the appropriate selection. If set to Auto, a Spanning Tree Algorithm will calculate the deviceÕs priority in a series of parallel bridges to determine a root bridge on the network. If set to Manual, you conÞgure a Spanning Tree by administratively enabling or disabling each bridging port on the network.
When the deviceÕs Spanning Tree Mode is set to Manual, you can change how a bridge port will treat a Spanning Tree Explorer frame. Use the Enable checkbox to allow STE frame forwarding at the port, or use the Disabled checkbox to prevent STE frame forwarding at the port. Click on the Enabled or Disabled checkbox to make your selection.
When you make changes in the Source Route ConÞguration window, they are not implemented at the device until you click on the Set button. This will cause the device to reboot. Since rebooting the device will bring it down for several minutes, a ÒReset with new parameters?Ó
Using the Find Source Address Feature
You can select the Find Source Address option to discover which bridging interface a speciÞed source MAC address is communicating through. When you select the Find Source Address option, a search is made of the 802.1d Bridge Filtering Database to discover the bridge interface associated with the address that you specify. If the search is successful, the corresponding interface will ßash in the Chassis View window. See Filtering Database, page
Use the Find Source Address feature as follows:
1.Click to display the Device menu.
2.Click again on Find Source Address. The following window will appear.
Using the Find Source Address Feature |