When an active link is established, the operational mode will be dynamically set based on the modes selected in the Advertised Abilities field and the speeds and modes supported by the attached device; see the definition for Advertised Abilities on page 2-75.
Setting the Operational Mode for the FE-100FX
You can manually set the FE-100FX to use either of two operational modes:
1.Click on the Desired Operational Mode list-box, and select one of the following modes:
•100Base-FX—100 Mbps connection, Standard Mode
•100Base-FX Full Duplex—100 Mbps connection, Duplex Mode
2.Click on Apply. The mode that you have chosen will be set at the port.
SONET Port Configuration
The FE100-Sx series of Fast Ethernet Port Interface Modules, and the APIM-2x series of ATM Port Interface Modules provide SONET (Synchronous Optical Network) access for some of CabletronÕs devices. SONET interfaces link high-speed local or metropolitan area networks by using an OC-3 connection (leased from your local telco or Internet service provider) to a SONET ring.
If your device is equipped with an FE100-Sx or an APIM-2x port interface module, you can use the SONET/SDH ConÞguration window to set its operating parameters, and the SONET/SDH Statistics window to view performance information for the interface (which can tell you if your telco/service provider is meeting any guarantees regarding network reliability).
SONET/SDH Configuration
The SONET/SDH ConÞguration window lets you determine whether your FE-100Sx or APIM-2x port interface module will operate according to SONET or SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) standards.
SONET is the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard for the optical transport of data according to the transmission standards in effect in North America (United States/Canada), Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. ANSI sets industry standards in the U.S. for the telecommunications industry, among other industries.
The basic SONET building block signal (transmitted at 51.84 Mbps) is referred to as STS-1 (Synchronous Transport Signal Level 1). SONET can multiplex (or combine) STS-1 signals into STS-N signals, where N is some integer multiple of STS-1 signals.