Configuring Spanning Tree
The Bridge Spanning Tree window allows you to update the following parameters for your device bridge. When you have Þnished making changes to the following individual parameters, you must click on Set at the bottom of the Spanning Tree window to write the changes to the device.
Any values you set at the bridge will cause a Topology Change ßag to be issued in the next ConÞguration BPDUs it transmits. This will cause the bridged network to immediately recalculate Spanning Tree and change topology accordingly.
Changing Bridge Priority
To change the part of the bridge address that contains the identiÞer used in the Spanning Tree Algorithm for priority comparisons:
1.Highlight the Bridge Priority field.
2.Enter the new identifier, in hexadecimal format; the allowed range is
3.Click on Set.
The selected Bridge Priority will be applied to the bridge (a lower number indicates a higher priority in the root selection process).
Changing the Spanning Tree Algorithm Protocol Type
To change the type of protocol used in Spanning Tree:
1.Click the mouse on the appropriate option button: 802.1, DEC, or None.
2.Click on Set.
The selected Spanning Tree Algorithm protocol type will be applied to the bridge. If you selected None, the Spanning Tree Algorithm will be disabled (if it already was enabled). If STA Protocol Type was changed from None to IEEE 802.1 or DEC, you must restart the bridge for the newly selected STA protocol to be applied.
All bridges in a network must use the same Spanning Tree version. Mixing Spanning Tree Algorithm protocols will cause an unstable network.
Spanning Tree |