Figure 2-10. Bridge Spanning Tree Window
The Bridge Spanning Tree window displays STA parameters and allows you to alter parameters for the device bridge as a whole, and for each individual bridging interface.
The values displayed apply to the currently-selected bridging interface, highlighted in the lower right quadrant of the window. To view or alter the parameters of another interface, click on the appropriate Port X name listed in the quadrant.
Bridge Level
Bridge Priority
This Þeld displays the ÒpriorityÓ component of the deviceÕs unique bridge identiÞer. The Spanning Tree Algorithm assigns each bridge a unique identiÞer, which is derived from the bridgeÕs MAC address and the Priority. The bridge with the lowest value of bridge identiÞer is selected as the Root. A lower priority number indicates a higher priority; a higher priority enhances a bridgeÕs chance of being selected as the Root.
You can edit this text box to change network topology, if needed. The default value is 8000; the range is 0ÑFFFF hexadecimal.
Spanning Tree |