Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter4 Connection Manager
Starting Connection Manager

Tool Bar

The Connection Manager tool bar c on ta in s ic on buttons that access frequently use d actions. The
following icons are available:
Delete Template
Edit Filter

Button Panel

The Connection Manager button panel contains the following navigational buttons:
ApplyAllows you to apply selected filt er s to t he list of connections.
RefreshAllows you to refresh the list of c onnec tio ns fr om t he Conne cti on Manag er s erv er , but not
apply any new filters to the connectio ns .
ModifyAllows you to modify a connections parameters.
DeleteAllows you to delete co nn ections.

Start Node Tree

The Connection Manager Start Node Tre e sho ws the netw ork equi pment that is being m anage d by CWM.
You can select any node from the hierarchy to be the current start node. The label on the top of this pane
shows the current selected node.

Filter Settings Tree

The Connection Manager Filter S et ti ngs T re e di spl ay s th e f il ter ca te go ries and v alu es cu rrent ly se lec ted.
Click the Apply button to review the sele cte d co nn ect io n ty p e s.

List of Connections

The Connection Manager List of Conne ctions lists a subset of connections managed by CWM based on
the selected start node and filter val ue s.

Status Bar

The Connection Manager Status Bar displays any errors or informational messages as you attempt to
perform various actio ns.
Alarms and Events
After selecting a node from the Start Node Tree, or any slot, line, or port under a node in the tree, and
then selecting the Apply button, the Connection Manager will update alarms and events on selected
connections under the following cir cu m st an ces :