
ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Initially Configuring the ATMSwitch Router
Testing the Configuration
Cross-connect OAM-state: Not-applicable
Encapsulation: AAL5ILMI
Threshold Group: 6, Cells queued: 0
Rx cells: 0, Tx cells: 0
Tx Clp0:0, Tx Clp1: 0
Rx Clp0:0, Rx Clp1: 0
Rx Upc Violations:0, Rx cell drops:0
Rx pkts:0, Rx pkt drops:0
Rx connection-traffic-table-index: 3
Rx service-category: VBR-RT (Realtime Variable Bit Rate)
Rx pcr-clp01: 424
Rx scr-clp01: 424
Rx mcr-clp01: none
Rx cdvt: 1024 (from default for interface)
Rx mbs: 50
Tx connection-traffic-table-index: 3
Tx service-category: VBR-RT (Realtime Variable Bit Rate)
Tx pcr-clp01: 424
Tx scr-clp01: 424
Tx mcr-clp01: none
Tx cdvt: none
Tx mbs: 50
Confirming the Running Configuration

Use the more system:running-config command to confirm that the current configuration is correct:

Switch# more system:running-config
version XX.X
no service pad
no service password-encryption
hostname Switch
<information deleted>
interface Ethernet0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
interface ATM-E0
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
atm pvc 0 29 pd on wrr-weight 15 rx-cttr 3 tx-cttr 3 interface ATM0 0 any-vci
wrr-weight 15 encap
interface Async1
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
hold-queue 10 in
logging buffered 4096 debugging
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
transport input none
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
no login