ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter11 Configuring ATM Routing and PNNI
Advanced PNNI Configuration
Switch# show atm pnni explicit-paths
Summary of configured Explicit Paths:
PathId Status UpTo Routable AdminWt Explicit Path Name
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 enabled 3 yes 10040 dallas_4.path1
2 enabled 6 yes 15120 chicago_2.path1
3 enabled 2 yes 10080 chicago_2.path2
4 enabled 2 yes 20595 new_york.path1
The following example shows the detailed configuration including any known warnings an d error
messages for a non-routable explicit path named new_york.path2:
Switch# show atm pnni explicit-paths name new_york.path2 detail
PathId Status UpTo Routable AdminWt Explicit Path Name
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 enabled 4 no 0 new_york.path2
PNNI routing err_code for UBR call = 6 (PNNI_DEST_UNREACHABLE)
Entry Type Node [Port] specifier
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 next-node dallas_2
2 next-node dallas_4 port 80000004
Warning:Entry index 2 specifies a non-routable port
3 next-node wash_dc_1
Warning:Entry index 3 has no connectivity from prior node
4 segment new_york.2.40
Note The upto keyword can be used for troubleshooting explicit paths that are shown as non-routable.
Routable status is only calculated up to the specified path entry index which allows the first failing path
entry to be isolated.
Tuning Topology Attributes
The tasks in the following subsections describe how to configure attributes that affect the network

Configuring the Global Administrative Weight Mode

Administrative weight is the primary routing metric for minimizing use of network resources. You can
configure the administrative weight to indicate the relative desirability of using a link. For example,
assigning equal administrative weight to all links in the network minimizes the number of hops used by
each connection.
To configure the administrative weight mode, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Enters ATM router PNNI mode.
Step2 Switch(config-atm-router)#
administrative-weight {linespeed | uniform}
Configures the administrative weight for all node