ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
testing 3-32
testing NVRAM 3-33
configure command
entering command mode 2-6
ATM addresses 3-5
BOOTP server 3-4
ESHA 5-11
Ethernet connections 3-7 to 3-9
IP address 3-7 to 3-9
IP QoS 22-11, 22-17
network clocking 3-10to 3-18
network routing 3-18
prerequisites 3-2
RMON 3-23
SNMP 3-23, 15-20to 15-24
system information 3-19
terminal line 3-2
configuring explicit paths
CES VC, overview 19-61
CES VC displaying 19-63
CES VC example 19-63
configuring interfaces
155 Mbps 18-4 to 18-5
25 Mbps 18-2to 18-3
622 Mbps 18-6 to 18-8
ATM router module 25-2 to 25-11
CDS3 Frame Relay 20-2to 20-6
CE1 Frame Relay 20-7 to 20-9
CES T1/E1 19-2 to19-7
DS3 18-13to 18-14
E1 ATM 18-15 to 18-17
E1 IMA 21-3 to 21-5
E1 trunk 18-15 to 18-17
E3 18-13to 18-14
IISP 6-7
interface snooping 7-91, 7-98
methods 3-2
OC-12c 18-9to 18-10
OC-3c 18-5to 18-6
OC-48c 18-11to 18-12
T1 ATM 18-15 to 18-17
T1 IMA 21-3 to 21-5
T1 trunk 18-15 to 18-17
terminal lines and modem support 4-1to 4-2
troubleshooting connections 18-17
configuring LECs and 1483 PVCs 25-15
connection-category command 17-12
connection command, show sgcp 19-60
Frame Relay 20-23to 20-54
OAM 8-1to 8-4
See also VCs
connection traffic table. See CTT
connection-traffic-table rows. See CTTRs
connection-types command 15-5
checking 4-24
constant bit rate. See CBR
controlled link sharing
configuring 9-22
displaying configuration 9-23
minimum and maximum parameter relationships
(table) 9-22
controller command
entering command mode 2-15
controller configuration mode
description 2-15
table 2-5
controller e1 command
CE1 Frame Relay interfaces 20-8
channel groups 20-8
controller t3 command 20-3, 20-4
configuring for tag switching 16-13 to 16-16
port weight mappings (table) 16-13
VP tunnel weight mappings (table) 16-14
counters, route processor synchronizing 5-6