ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Initially Configuring the ATMSw itch Router
Configuring Network Clocking
Displaying the NCDP Configuration
To display the NCDP configuration, use the following EXEC commands:
The following example shows the NCDP status:
Switch# show ncdp status
= ncdp switch information ==== enabled ==============
root clock source priority: 1
root clock source stratum level: 4
root clock source prs id: 255
stratum level of root switch: 4
clocking root address: 4700918100000000E0F75D040100E0F75D040100
hop count: 0
root path cost: 0
root port: 0
max age: 5
hello time: 500
priority of best source: 1
stratum level of best source: 4
prs id of best source: 255
switch stratum level: 4
address: 4700918100000000E0F75D040100E0F75D040100
switch max age: 5
switch hello time: 500
switch hold time: 500
max diameter: 5
converged root count: 359375
converged: 1
total timer events: 687271
total queue events: 0
rx config messages: 0
tx config messages: 363716
rx tcn messages: 0
tx tcn messages: 0
rx non-participant messages: 0
rx unknown messages: 0
Command Purpose
show ncdp path root Displays the NCDP clock path from the switch to the
root source.
show ncdp ports Displays NCDP port information.
show ncdp sources Displays NCDP clock sources configured on the
show ncdp status Displays NCDP status.
show ncdp timers Displays NCDP timer information.