ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
E.164 addresses 17-6
PNNI 11-6, 11-11
statistics command 11-52
status command 17-13
structured command, ces aal1 service 19-12
structured services
CES SVCs 19-48to 19-52
hard PVCs 19-19to 19-21
hard PVCs, with shaped VP tunnel 19-23 to 19-27
network clocking 19-19
soft PVCs 19-28to 19-32
overview 19-18
CES SVCs 19-53
hard PVCs 19-22
hard PVCs, with shaped VP tunnel 19-27
soft PVCs 19-33to 19-34
STS-stream scrambling
disabling 3-6
subinterface configuration mode
description 2-9
table 2-3
assigning LANE components 14-4
ATM ARP server 13-4, 25-23
PVC-based map lists 13-7
SVC-based map lists 13-9
subnetting 3-8
summary-address command 11-13, 11-23
summary addresses 11-13to 11-14, 11-22 to 11-24
sustainable cell rate. See SCR
svc-clear by-priority command 7-35
CTTs in 9-11
frame discard 17-3to 17-4
redundancy 5-7
switch cards. See switch processors
switched virtual circuits. See SVCs
switch fabric functionality 9-2
switchover 5-6
command 5-2
command example 5-4
configuration 5-5
description 5-1
synchronizing configurations 5-6
synchronizing dynamic information 5-7
warning message 5-4
switch processors
displaying EHSA configuration 5-13
EHSA 5-11
features (table) 9-2
installing in chassis (note) 1-3
preferred switch cards 5-12to 5-13
switch routers. See ATM switch routers
sync config command 5-6, 5-7
sync counters interface command 5-8
sync counters signaling command 5-8
sync counters vc command 5-8
sync dynamic-info command 5-7
synchronizing dynamic information 5-7
synchronizing route processor counters 5-6
synchronous command, ces aal1 clock 19-15, 19-45
system availability
ATM switch router 1-5
ESHA 5-11
system images 26-4
system management
AAA access control 4-15
buffer pools 4-2
calendar 4-14
CDP 4-3
checking basic connectivity 4-24
clock 4-13
extended TACACS 4-14
load statistics interval 4-4
login authentication 4-5, 4-8
message logging 4-4