ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter15 Configuring ATM Accounting, RMON, and SNMP
Configuring ATM Accounting
Configuring ATM Accounting Files
Direct the ATM accounting data being gathered from the configured selection control table to a specific
ATM accounting file. To configure the ATM accounting files and change to ATM accounting file
configuration mode, perform the following tasks, beginning in global configurat ion mode:
Note Only one ATM accounting file can be configured and that file cannot be deleted.
The following example shows how to enable ATM accounting file configuration mode for acctng_file1
and reconfigure the collection mode on release of a connection:
Switch(config)# atm accounting file acctng_file1
Switch(config-acct-file)# collection-mode on-release
The following example shows how to enable ATM accounting file configuration mode for acctng_file1
and reconfigure the minimum age to the default value:
Switch(config)# atm accounting file acctng_file1
Switch(config-acct-file)# default min-age
The following example shows how to enable ATM accounting file configuration mode for acctng_file1
and configure a short description to be displayed in the show atm accounting file display and the file
Switch(config)# atm accounting file acctng_file1
Switch(config-acct-file)# description Main accounting file for engineering
The following example shows how to enable ATM accounting file configuration mode for acctng_file1:
Switch(config)# atm accounting file acctng_file1
Switch(config-acct-file)# enable
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# atm accounting file acctng_file1
Specifies the ATM accounting file and enters
accounting file configuration mode.
Step2 Switch(config-acct-file)# collection-modes
[on-release] [periodic]
Configures when to write to the accounting file.
Step3 Switch(config-acct-file)# default [min-age] Resets the ATM accounting file configuration to
the default.
Step4 Switch(config-acct-file)# description string Configures a short description for the ATM
accounting file.
Step5 Switch(config-acct-file)# enable Enables ATM accounting for a specific file.
Step6 Switch(config-acct-file)# failed-attempts [none]
[regular] [soft]
Configures whether to record failed connection
Step7 Switch(config-acct-file)# interval seconds Configures the interval for periodic collection, in
Step8 Switch(config-acct-file)# min-age seconds Configures the ATM accounting file minimum
age of the VC.