ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter7 Configuring Virtual Connections
Configuring VP Tunnels
The following example shows how to configure the ATM VP tunnel on the ATM switch router (SB-1)
interface ATM0/0/0, VPI 99:
Switch(SB-1)(config)# interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(SB-1)(config-if)# atm pvp 99
Switch(SB-1)(config-if)# exit
Switch(SB-1)(config)# interface atm 0/0/0.99
Switch(SB-1)(config-subif)# end
Displaying the VP Tunnel Configuration
To show the ATM virtual interface configuration, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows the ATM virtual interface configuration for interface ATM1/0/0.99:
Switch# show atm interface atm 1/0/0.99
Interface: ATM1/0/0.99 Port-type: vp tunnel
IF Status: UP Admin Status: up
Auto-config: enabled AutoCfgState: waiting for response from peer
IF-Side: Network IF-type: UNI
Uni-type: Private Uni-version: V3.0
<information deleted>
Configuring a Shaped VP Tunnel
This section describes configuring a shaped VPtunnel for a single service category with rate-limited
tunnel output on a switch.
A shaped VPtunnel is configured as a VP of the CBR service category. By default, this tunnel can carry
VCs only of the CBR service category. However, you can configure this VP tunnel to carry VCs of other
service categories. The overall output of this VPtunnel is rate-limited by hardware to the peak cell rate
(PCR) of the tunnel.
Note Shaped VP tunnels are supported only on systems with the FC-PFQ feature card. (Catalyst 8510 MSR
and LightStream 1010)
A shaped VP tunnel is defined as a CBR VP with a PCR. The following limitations apply:
A maximum of 64 shaped VP tunnels can be defined on each of the following interface groups:
(0/0/x,1/0/x), ( 0/1/x,1/1/x), (2/0/x,3/0/x), (2/1/x,3/1/x), (9/0/x, 10/0/x), (9/1/x, 10/1/x),
(11/0/x, 12/0/x), and (11/1/x, 12/1/x). (Catalyst 8540 MSR)
A maximum of 64 shaped VPtunnels can be defined on interfaces x/0/y; similarly, a maximum of
64 shaped VP tunnels can be defined on interfaces x/1/y. (Catalyst 8510 MSR and
LightStream 1010)
The bandwidth of the shaped VPtunnel is shared by the active VCs inside the tunnel in strict
round-robin (RR) fashion.
Command Purpose
show atm interface atm
Shows the ATM interface configuration.