ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter7 Configuring Virtual Connections
Configuring VP Tunnels

Displaying the Shaped VP Tunnel Configuration

To display the shaped VPtunnel interface configuration, use the following EXEC command:
For an example display from the show atm interface command, see Displaying the Hierarchical
VP Tunnel Configuration, page 7-85.
Configuring a Hierarchical VP Tunnel for Multiple Service Categories
This section describes configuring a hierarchical VPtunnel for multiple service categories with
rate-limited tunnel output.
A hierarchical VPtunnel allows VCs of multiple service categories to pass through the tunnel. In
addition, the overall output of the VPtunnel is rate-limited to the PCR of the tunnel. There is no general
limit on the number of connections allowed on a such a tunnel. Hierarchical VPtunnels can also support
merged VCs for tag switching. See Chapter16, “Configuring Tag Switching and MPLS.”
Service categories supported include the following:
Constant bit rate (CBR)
Variable bit rate (VBR)
Available bit rate (ABR) with a nonzero minimum cell rate (MCR)
Unspecified bit rate (UBR+) with a nonzero MCR
Note Hierarchical VP tunnels are supported only on systems with the FC-PFQ feature card.
(Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010)
While capable of carrying any traffic category, a hierarchical VPtunnel is itself defined as CBR with a
PCR. The following limitations apply on the Catalyst8540 MSR:
Hierarchical VP tunnels can be defined only on interfaces in slots 0 , 2, 9, and 11.
For carrier module port adapters, interfaces 0/x/y, 2/x/y, 9/x/y, and 11/x/y can each support 30
hierarchical VP tunnels, for a combined total of 120. For OC-12 full-width modules, ports 0/0/[0-1],
0/0/[2-3], 2/0/[0-1], 2/0/[2-3], 9/0/[0-1], 9/0/[2-3], 11/ 0/[0-1], and 11/0/[2-3] can each support 30
hierarchical VP tunnels, for a combined total of 240.
The following limitations apply on the Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightSt ream 1010:
A maximum of 30 hierarchical VP tunnels can be defined on interfaces 0/0/ x and 3/0/x. A maximum
of 30 hierarchical VP tunnels can be defined on interfaces 0/1/x and 3/1/x.
Hierarchical VP tunnels can be defined only on interfaces in slots 0 a nd 3.
The following limitations apply on the Catalyst 8540 MSR, Catal yst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010:
Only hierarchical VPs are allowed on the interface (not other VCs or VP s).
Bandwidth allocated on output to a hierarchical VP cannot be used by another hierarchical VP.
Command Purpose
show atm interface atm
Shows the ATM VP interface configuration.