ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter9 Configuring Resource Management
Configuring Physical Interfaces
CDVT TX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
MBS: none vbr RX, none vbr TX
<information deleted>
Configuring Interface Output Pacing
Output pacing is used to artificially reduce the output speed of an interface in kbps. Output pacing can
be changed at any time, enabled, or disabled. When an out put pacing change request is made, resource
management determines if the change will not provide the guaranteed bandwidth at the outbound port
for the existing virtual channels or virtual paths (VCs or VPs). Guaranteed bandwidth is reserved for
constant bit rate (CBR) and variable bit rate (VBR) connections.
Note Pacing is only allowed for carrier module ports on the Catalyst 85 40 MSR.
To enable or change an interface output pacing rate, perform the foll owing tasks, beginning in global
configuration mode:
The force argument indicates that the change should be made even if it results in an output cell rate that
does not provide sufficient bandwidth for guaranteed service on the interface transmit flow. The force
argument has no effect on Catalyst8510 MSR and LightStream1010 ATM switch routers with FC-PFQ
installed on the route processor.
Note The atm pacing command affects all connections, including those already established.
This command does not apply to the CPU interfaces (atm0 and ethernet0) or subinterfaces. For other
restrictions, refer to the ATM Switch Router Command Reference publication.
Note Since the 12.0(1a)W5(5b) release of the system software, addressing the interface on the route processor
(CPU) has changed. The ATM interface is now called atm0, and the Ethernet interface is now called
ethernet0. Old formats (atm2/0/0 and ethernet 2/0/0) are still supported.
The following example shows how to configure the interface output pacing to 10,000 kbps:
Switch(config)# interface atm 3/0/0
Switch(config-if)# atm pacing 10000
Command Purpose
interface atm card/subcard/port Selects the interface to be configured.
atm pacing kbps [force] Configures the interface output pacing.