ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter7 Configuring Virtual Connections
Configuring Virtual Channel Connections
The following example shows how to configure the internal cross-connect PVC on Switc h C between
interface ATM0/0/0, VPI = 2, VCI = 100, and interface ATM0/0/1, VPI 50, VCI = 255:
Switch-C(config)# interface atm 0/0/0
Switch-C(config-if)# atm pvc 2 100 interface atm 0/0/1 50 255
Each subsequent VC cross-connection and link must be configured until the VC is terminated to create
the entire VCC.
Note The above examples show how to configure cross-connections using one command. Thisis the preferred
method, but it is also possible to configure each leg separately, then connect them with the atm pvc vpi
vci interface atm card/subcard/port vpivci command. This alternative method requires more steps, but
might be convenient if each leg has many additional configuration parameters or if you have configured
individual legs with SNMP commands and you want to connect them with one CLI command.
Displaying VCCs
To show the VCC configuration, use the following EXEC commands:
Note The following examples differ depending on the feature card i nstalled on the processor.
Command Purpose
show atm interface [atm card/subcard/port] Shows the ATM interface configuration.
show atm vc [interface atm card/subcard/port
vpi vci]
Shows the PVC interface configuration.