ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter7 Configuring Virtual Connections
Configuring Timer Rules Based Soft PVC and SoftPVPConnections
The following example configures a timer rules based soft PVP timer rule, creates an ATM timer group,
and adds the timer group configuration to the soft PVP to set up or tear down the soft PVP based on the
timer values configured.
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# atm timer rule rule1 periodic friday 10:00 to friday 10:30 occurrence 4
Switch(config)# atm timer group timerGrp1
Switch(config-timer-grp)# timer-rule rule1
Switch(config-timer-grp)# exit
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/1/1
Switch(config-if)# atm soft-vp 120 dest-address
47.0091.8100.0000.00e0.f75d.0401.4000.0c80.0020.00 110 timer-group timerGrp1
Displaying the Timer Rules Based Soft PVC and Soft PVP Configuration
To display the timer rules based soft PVC and soft PVP configuration, use the following EXEC
The following example is sample output from the show atm timer rule command.
Switch# show atm timer rule
atm timer rule rule1 periodic friday 10:00 to friday 10:30 rx-cttr 10 tx-cttr 10
atm timer rule rule2 absolute start 10:00 01 January 2004 duration 00:30 rx-cttr 100
tx-cttr 100
Command Purpose
show atm timer rule [rule-name]Shows the timer rules based soft PVC and soft
PVP feature timer rule configuration.
show atm timer group [group-name] Displays the timer groups configured.
show atm soft-vc {p2p | p2mp} atm
card/subcard/port vpi vci [detail]
Displays the configuration of an ATM soft
PVC connection with the timer group and
timer rule configured.
show atm vp [interface atm
card/subcard/port vpi]
Shows the soft PVP configuration