ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter15 Configuring ATM Accounting, RMON, and SNMP
Configuring ATM RMON

Displaying the Generated RMON Events

To display the generated RMON events, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows the RMON events generated using the show rmon events EXEC
Switch# show rmon events
Event 1 is active, owned by nms_3
Description is test
Event firing causes trap to community test, last fired 00:00:00
Configuring an RMON Alarm
You can configure RMON alarm generation if any of the configured parameters are met.
Note Refer to the Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide for general SNMP RMON configuration
To configure RMON alarms, use the following command in global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to configure RMON alarm number 1 to generate an alarm under the
following conditions:
If the MIB atmHostHCCells exceed 500
If each sample, in absolute mode, shows:
Rising threshold exceeding 10,000
Falling threshold falling below 1000
The RMON alarm number 1 sends the alarm to the owner “nms 3”
Switch(config)# rmon alarm 1 atmHostInHCCells 500 absolute rising-threshold 10000
falling-threshold 1000 owner “nms 3”

Displaying the Generated RMON Alarms

To display the RMON alarm event, use the following EXEC command:
Command Purpose
show rmon events Displays generated RMON events.
Command Purpose
rmon alarm number variable interval {delta |
absolute} rising-threshold value [event-number]
falling-threshold value [event-number]
[owner string]
Configures the ATMRMON alarm.