ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter9 Configuring Resource Management
Configuring Global Resource Management
The atm connection-traffic-table-row command supports these service categories: CBR, VBR-RT,
VBR-NRT, ABR, and UBR. To create or delete an ATM CTT row, perform the following tasks in global
configuration mode:
Note Your CTT feature set depends on the type of feature card that is installed on the Catalyst 8510 MSR and
LightStream1010 ATM switch routers route processor.
If you do not specify an index row number, the system software determines if one is free an d displays it
in the allocated index field if the command is successful.
The following example shows how to configure an ATM CTT row with an ABR peak cell rate of
30,000 kbps:
Switch(config)# atm connection-traffic-table-row abr pcr 30000
Allocated index = 63999
Displaying the ATM Connection Traffic Table
To display the CTT configuration, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows how to display the CTT configuration table:
Switch> show atm connection-traffic-table
Row Service-category pcr scr/mcr mbs cdvt
1 ubr 7113539 none none
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# atm
connection-traffic-table-row [index row-index]
{vbr-rt | vbr-nrt} pcr pcr-value {scr0 | scr10}
scr-value [mbs mbs-value] [cdvt cdvt_value]
Configures an ATM CTT VBR row.
Step2 Switch(config)# atm
connection-traffic-table-row [index row-index]
cbr pcr pcr-value [cdvt cdvt-value]
Configures an ATM CTT CBR row.
Step3 Switch(config)# atm
connection-traffic-table-row [index row-index]
abr pcr pcr-value [mcr mcr-value] [cdvt
Configures an ATM CTT ABR row.
Step4 Switch(config)# atm
connection-traffic-table-row [index row-index]
ubr pcr pcr-value [mcr mcr-value] [cdvt
Configures an ATM CTT UBR row.
Command Purpose
show atm connection-traffic-table [row
row-index | from-row row-index]
Displays the CTT configuration.