ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter7 Configuring Virtual Connections
Configuring VP Tunnels
At system boot, when global hierarchical scheduling is enabled, the switch router initializes the slot
pairs according to the following restrictions:
Hierarchical scheduling is disabled for any slot pair that contains an ATM router module or
Ethernet interface module. On the Catalyst8540 MSR, the slot pairs are slots0 and 1,
slots 2 and 3, slots 9 and 10, and slots 11 and 12. On the Catalyst 8510 MSR and
LightStream 1010, the slot pairs are slots 0 and 1 and slots 3 and 4.
Hierarchical scheduling is enabled for any slot pair that has an ATM port adapter or interface
module in one slot and the other slot empty, or ATM port adapters or interface modules in both
If a slot pair is empty, the hierarchical scheduling mode is determined by the first port adapter
or interface module that is installed in the slot pair. If you insert an ATM port adapter or
interface module first, hierarchical scheduling is enabled; if you insert an ATM router module
or Ethernet interface module first, hierarchical scheduling is disabled.
If hierarchical scheduling is enabled for a slot pair, ATM router modules or Ethernet interface
modules inserted into the slot pair do not function.
If hierarchical scheduling is disabled for a slot pair, ATM port adapters or interface modules inserted
into the slot pair do not support hierarchical VP tunn els, and any hierarchical VP tunnels configured
for the slot pair do not function.
Hierarchical VPtunnels support interface overbooking. For configuration information, see
Chapter 9, “Configuring Resource Management.”
Enabling Hierarchical Mode
Before configuring a hierarchical VP tunnel, you must first enable hierarchical mode, then reload the
ATM switch router. Perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
Note Enabling hierarchical mode causes the minimum rate allocated for guaranteed bandwidth to a connection
to be increased.
The following example shows how to enable hierarchical mode, then save and reload the configuration.
Switch(config)# atm hierarchical-tunnel
Switch(config)# exit
Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Switch# reload
Configuring a Hierarchical VP Tunnel on an Interface
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# atm hierarchical-tunnel Enables hierarchical mode.
Step2 Switch(config)# exit
Exits global configuration mode.
Step3 Switch# copy system:running-config
Saves the running configuration to the startup
Step4 Switch# reload Reloads the operating system.