ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter9 Configuring Resource Management
Configuring Physical and Logical Interface Parameters
The following example shows the configuration of the interface link distance with switch processor
feature card installed:
Switch> show atm interface resource atm 0/0/0
Resource Management configuration:
Service Classes:
Service Category map: c1 cbr, c2 vbr-rt, c3 vbr-nrt, c4 abr, c5 ubr
Scheduling: RS c1 WRR c2, WRR c3, WRR c4, WRR c5
WRR Weight: 8 c2, 1 c3, 1 c4, 1 c5
Pacing: disabled 0 Kbps rate configured, 0 Kbps rate installed
Service Categories supported: cbr,vbr-rt,vbr-nrt,abr,ubr
Link Distance: 150 kilometers
Controlled Link sharing:
Max aggregate guaranteed services: none RX, none TX
Max bandwidth: none cbr RX, none cbr TX, none vbr RX, none vbr TX,
none abr RX, none abr TX, none ubr RX, none ubr TX
Min bandwidth: none cbr RX, none cbr TX, none vbr RX, none vbr TX,
none abr RX, none abr TX, none ubr RX, none ubr TX
Best effort connection limit: disabled 0 max connections
Max traffic parameters by service (rate in Kbps, tolerance in cell-times):
Peak-cell-rate RX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Peak-cell-rate TX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Sustained-cell-rate: none vbr RX, none vbr TX
Minimum-cell-rate RX: none abr, none ubr
Minimum-cell-rate TX: none abr, none ubr
CDVT RX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
CDVT TX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
MBS: none vbr RX, none vbr TX
<information deleted>
Configuring the Limits of Best-Effort Connections
Each interface can be configured to allow a specific number of best-effort available bit rate (ABR) and
unspecified bit rate (UBR) connections.
To configure the number of best-effort connections, perform the following tasks, beginning in global
configuration mode:
Note These commands affect subsequent connections but not connections that are already established.
Command Purpose
show atm interface resource atm
Displays the interface link distance
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# interface atm
Selects the interface to be configured.
Step2 Switch(config-if)# atm cac best-effort-limit
Configures the connection best-effort limit.