ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter25 Configuring ATM Router Module Interfaces
Overview of the ATM Router Module
Figure25-2 ATM Router Module Traffic Flow (Catalyst8540 MSR)
Catalyst 8540 MSR Enhanced ATM Router Module Features
The Catalyst 8540 MSR enhanced ATM router module offers the following benefits:
Interoperates with all of the Layer3 switching interface modules available for the
Catalyst 8540 CSR chassis. For more information on the Catalyst8540 CSR Layer 3 interface
modules, refer to the ATM and Layer3 Module Installation Guide.
Provides an integrated high performance link between ATM and Layer 3 cards. The ATM router
module provides an aggregate switching capacity of 2Gbps between ATM and Layer3 ports
(2 x 1-Gbps interfaces per module). Data transfers to the switch core at the rate of 1Gbps.
Simplifies management.
Occupies only one slot in the chassis.
Supports multiprotocol encapsulation over ATM (RFC 1483) switched virtual connections (SVCs),
soft permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) and permanent PVCs with either ATM adaptation layer 5
(AAL5) Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) or AAL5 MUX encapsulation.
Supports classical ATM over IP (RFC 1577) SVCs and PVCs.
Standard and extended access control list (ACL) support for IP, and standard ACL support for IPX.
For information configuring on IP ACLs, see Chapter 12, “Using Access Control,” and refer to the
“Configuring IP Services” chapter in the Cisco IOS IP and IP Routing Configuration Guide. For
information configuring on IPX ACLs, refer to the “Configuring Novell IPX” chapter in the Cisco
IOS AppleTalk and Novell IPX Configuration Guide.
Interface slot
ATM interface module
FE or GE interface module
Interface slot
Route processor
Switch processor
Switch processor
Switch processor
Route processor
Interface slot
Interface slot
Interface slot
Interface slot
Power supply 1 Power supply 2
ATM router module
ATM cells NNI
LANE signalling IPX packets/
Ethernet frames