ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter19 Configuring Circuit Emulation Services
Configuring CES T1/E1 Interfaces
Sets the ASCII name for the CES-IWF circuit.
The maximum length is 64 characters. The
default is CBRx/x/x:0.
Enables the partial AAL1 cell fill service for
structured service only. The default is 47.
Disables the circuit. The default is no
Configures the time slots for the circuit for
structured service only.
Configures on-hook detection.
Step6 Switch(config-if)# ces dsx1 clock source
{loop-timed | network-derived}
Configures the clock source. The default is
Step7 Switch(config-if)# ces dsx1 framing {sf | esf}
Switch(config-if)# ces dsx1 framing
{e1_crc_mfCAS_lt | e1_crc_mf_lt | e1_lt |
Configures CES T1 framing mode. The default
is esf.
Configures CES E1 framing mode. The default
is e1_lt.
Step8 Switch(config-if)# ces dsx1 lbo {0_110 | 110_220
| 220_330 | 330_440 | 440_550 | 550_660 |
660_above | square_pulse}
Configures the line build-out. The default is 0_110.
Step9 Switch(config-if)# ces dsx1 linecode {ami | b8zs}
Switch(config-if)# ces dsx1 linecode {ami |
Configures CES T1 line code type. The default
is b8zs.
Configures CES E1 line code type. The default
is hdb3.
Step10 Switch(config-if)# ces dsx1 loopback {line |
noloop | payload}
Configures the loopback test method. The default
is noloop.
Step11 Switch(config-if)# ces dsx1 signalmode
Configures the CES T1 signal mode to robbedbit.
The default isno.
Step12 Switch(config-if)# ces pvc circuit-id interface
atm card/subcard/port [vpi vpi] vci vci
Configures the destination port for the circuit and
configures a hard PVC, as follows:
Specifies the circuit identification.
For unstructured service, use 0.
For T1 structured service,
use 1 through 24.
For E1 structured service,
use 1 through 31.
Specifies the card/subcard/port number of the
ATM interface.
Specifies the virtual path identifier of the
destination PVC.
Specifies the virtual channel identifier of the
destination PVC.
Command Purpose