ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Initially Configuring the ATMSw itch Router
Configuring Online Diagnostics (Catalyst8540 MSR)
Configuring Online Diagnostics (Catalyst 8540 MSR)
To configure online diagnostics, use the following global configuration commands:
The following example shows how to enable all onlin e diagnostic tests:
Switch(config)# diag online
ONLINE-DIAG: Enabling all Online Diagnostics tests
The following example shows how to change the frequency of the access test t o 20 seconds:
Switch(config)# diag online access freq 20
ONLINE-DIAG: Online Access Test Frequency set to 20 sec

Displaying the Online Diagnostics Configuration and Results (Catalyst 8540 MSR)

To display the online diagnostics configuration and results, use the following EXEC command:
Command Purpose
diag online Enables all of the online diagnostic tests.
diag online access Enables only the access diagnostic test.
diag online access freq [seconds] Configures the frequency of the access diagnostic
tests. The default frequency is every 10 seconds.
diag online oir Enables only the OIR test.
diag online oir pktsize [bytes] Specifies the packet size for the OIR test. The
default size is 1000bytes.
diag online snake Enables only the snake test.
diag online snake timer [seconds] Specifies the time interval for the snake test. The
default interval is 60seconds.
no diag online [access | oir | snake] Disables the online diagnostic tests.
debug diag online [access | oir | snake] Enables debugging of online diagnostic tests.
no debug diag online [access | oir | snake] Disables debugging of online diagnostic tests.
Command Purpose
show diag online [details | status] [access | oir |
Displays information about the online
diagnostics test configuration and the test results.