ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter9 Configuring Resource Management
Configuring Physical and Logical Interface Parameters
Configuring SVC Policing by Service Category
You can configure policing on any ATM switch router interface to tag or drop cells in the forward (into
the network) direction of a virtual connection. These traffic policing mechanisms are known as usage
parameter control (UPC). With UPC, the ATM switch router determines whether received cells comply
with the negotiated traffic management values and takes one of the following actions on violating cells:
Pass the cell without changing the CLP (cell loss priority) bit in the cell header.
Tag the cell with a CLP bit value of 1.
Drop (discard) the cell.
The ATM policing by service category for the SVC and Soft PVC features enables you to specify which
traffic to police, based on service category, switched virtual circuits (SVCs) or, terminating VCs on the
destination end of a soft VC.
For more information on UPC, see the “Traffic and Resource Management” chapter in the Guide to ATM
This feature enables you to select which and how traffic is affected by UPC. For example, you can
configure your switch to pass all UBR traffic, but tag all other traffic types.
Note For information on how to configure your physical and logical VP tunnel interfaces, see Chapter 7,
“Configuring Virtual Connections.”
To configure ATM policing by service category for the SVC and Soft PVC features, use the following
commands beginning in global configuration mode:
The following example configures ATM interface 1/1/1 so any violating ABR service category traffic is
dropped as it enters the interface:
Switch(config)# interface atm 1/1/1
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent abr drop
In the following example, the UBR traffic on an interface is passed while all other traffic is policed:
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent ubr pass
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent cbr tag
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent vbr-rt tag
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent vbr-nrt tag
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent abr drop
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# interface atm card/subcard/port
Selects the interface to be configured.
Step2 Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent [abr | cbr
| vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr] {tag | pass | drop}
(Repeat this step for each service category and
UPC mode combination.)
Specifies the UPC mode. If no service category is
specified, then the UPC mode configuration is
applied to all traffic types.