ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter20 Configuring Frame Relay to ATM Interworking Port Adapter Interfaces
Configuring Frame Relay to ATM Virtual Connections
Display Frame Relay Interworking Soft PVCs
To display your Frame Relay interworking soft PVCs configuration, use the following EXEC command:
The following example displays serial interface 1/1/0:2 soft PVC status:
Switch# show vc interface serial 1/1/0:2
Interface Conn-Id Type X-Interface X-Conn-Id Encap Status
Serial1/1/0:2 34 SoftVC ATM0/0/0 100/255 UP
The following example displays ATM interface 0/0/0 soft PVC status:
Switch# show vc interface atm 0/0/0
Interface Conn-Id Type X-Interface X-Conn-Id Encap Status
ATM0/0/0 0/5 PVC ATM2/0/0 0/43 QSAAL UP
ATM0/0/0 0/16 PVC ATM2/0/0 0/35 ILMI UP
ATM0/0/0 0/200 PVC ATM0/0/1 0/200 DOWN
ATM0/0/0 100/255 SoftVC Serial1/1/0:2 34 UP
Modifying CTTR Indexes on an Existing Frame Relay Soft PVC
To change the CTTR indexes on an existing Frame Relay Soft PVC, perform the following steps,
beginning in global configuration mode:
The following example modifies the CTTR indexes for an existing Frame Relay Soft PVC.
Switch(config)# interface atm 1/1/1
Switch(config-if)# frame-relay soft-vc 48 rx-cttr 102 tx-cttr 102
Switch(config-if)# end
Command Purpose
show vc [interface {atm card/subcard/port
[vpi vci] | serial card/subcard/port:cgn
Shows the PVC interface configuration.
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# interface serial card/subcard/port:cgn
Selects the Frame Relay serial port and channel group
Step2 Switch(config-if)# frame-relay soft-vc dlci-source
source-vci [rx-cttr index] [tx-cttr index]
Specifies the new rx-cttr and tx-cttr indexes for the
existing Soft PVC.
Step3 Switch(config-if)# end
Switches to EXEC command mode.