ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter19 Configuring Circuit Emulation Services
Reconfiguring a Previously Established Circuit
Reconfiguring a Previously Established Circuit
Once you have configured a circuit, you cannot change the circuit’s configuration while the circuit is up.
You must first bring the interface down. Then you can change the circuit configuration. After entering
these configuration changes, you must bring the interface bac k up. To change an enabled circuit’s
configuration, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
Note The no ces circuit circuit-id shutdown command deletes the circuit. If you use this command, you must
reenter all of the configuration information for the circuit. Do not use this command unless you intend
to delete the circuit.
The following example disables interface cbr 3/0/0, specifies the c lock source as network-derived,
changes the AAL1 clocking method to synchronous, and reena bles the interface.
CESwitch(config)# interface cbr 3/0/0
CESwitch(config-if)# shutdown
CESwitch(config-if)# ces dsx1 clock source network-derived
CESwitch(config-if)# ces aal1 clock synchronous
CESwitch(config-if)# no shutdown
The following example displays the changed configuration information for the circuit, using the
showces circuit interface cbr command:
CESwitch# show ces circuit interface cbr 3/0/0 0
Circuit: Name CBR-PVC-A, Circuit-state ADMIN_UP /
Interface CBR3/0/0, Circuit_id 0, Port-Type T1, Port-State UP
Port Clocking network-derived, aal1 Clocking Method CESIWF_AAL1_CLOCK_SYNC
Channel in use on this port: 1-24
Channels used by this circuit: 1-24
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# interface cbr card/subcard/port
Selects the physical interface to be configured.
Step2 Switch(config-if)# shutdown Disables the CES interface.
Step3 For example, to specify the clock source as
network-derived and to change the AAL1 clocking
mode from adaptive to synchronous, enter:
Switch(config-if)# ces dsx1 clock source
Switch(config-if)# ces aal1 clock synchronous
Configures the clock source as network-derived
and reconfigures the AAL1 clock mode to
Step4 Switch(config-if)# no shutdown Enables the CES interface.
Step5 Switch(config-if)# end
Exits interface configuration mode and returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Step6 Switch# show ces circuit interface cbr
card/subcard/port circuit-id
Shows detailed interface configuration
information for the circuit.
Use this command to verify your configuration