ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter25 Configuring ATM Router Module Interfaces
Configuring VC Bundling
The following is an example of how to configure rate limiting on your switch router:
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
Router(config)# interface f0/0/0
Router(config-if)# rate-limit input 1000000 20000
Router(config-if)# rate-limit output 100000 30000
Router(config-if)# exit
Configuring VC Bundling
This section describes the ATM virtual circuit (VC) bundle management on the enha nced ATM Router
Module. The ATM VC bundle management feature allows you to configure multiple VCs that have
different QoS characteristics between any pair of ATM-connected routers or Catalyst 8500 M SRs.
Note The VC-Bundle feature is only applicable for enhanced ATM Router Modules installed in the
Catalyst 8540 MSR chassis.


The VC bundle management feature allows you to define an ATM VC bundle and add VCs to it. Each
VC bundle has its own ATM traffic class and ATM traffic parameters, and you can apply attributes and
characteristics collectively at the VC bundle l evel.
Using VC bundles, you can create differentiated service by flexibly distri buting IP precedence levels
over the different VC bundle members. You can map a single precedence level or a range of levels to
each discrete VC in the bundle, thereby enabling individual VCs in the bundle to carry packets marked
with different precedence levels.


The following benefits apply for VC bundle management:
Provides flexible configuration of different service categories such as UBR or VBR with different
parameters for traffic with different precedence levels.
Provides flexible VC management within a VC bundle in the event of a PVC failure, also referred
to as VC bumping. It allows traffic assigned to a failed VC to be redirected to an alternate VC within
the VC bundle.


The following restrictions apply for VC bundle management:
On a point-to-point subinterface, you can configure either one regular PVC or one VC bundle, which
can contain up to eight VC bundle members, but not both.
VC bundle management is supported for PVCs only, not switched virtual circuits (SVCs).
Only aal5snap and aal5mux encapsulation types are supported for IP VC bundles.
Only aal5snap encapsulation is supported for IPX VC bundles.
A maximum of 200 VC bundles can be configured on an interface ( including subinterfaces).