ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter7 Configuring Virtual Connections
Configuring a VPI/VCI Range for SVPs and SVCs
Step6 Configure the ILMI VC, then configure the PNNI VC if need ed using the same procedure.
Step7 Save the new running configuration to the startup configuration.
An example of this procedure follows:
Switch# show atm vc interface atm 0/0/0
Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Encap Status
ATM0/0/0 0 5 PVC ATM0 0 49 QSAAL UP
ATM0/0/0 0 16 PVC ATM0 0 33 ILMI UP
ATM0/0/0 0 18 PVC ATM0 0 65 PNNI UP
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)# atm manual-well-known-vc delete
Okay to delete well-known VCs for this interface? [no]: y
Switch(config-if)# atm pvc 1 35 interface atm0 any-vci encap qsaal
Switch(config-if)# end
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Switch# show atm vc interface atm 0/0/0
Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Encap Status
ATM0/0/0 1 35 PVC ATM0 0 150 QSAAL UP
Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Building configuration...
Configuring a VPI/VCI Range for SVPs and SVCs
You can configure a virtual path identifier/virtual channel identifier (VPI/VCI) range for switched virtual
channels and switched virtual paths (SVCs and SVPs). ILMI uses the specified range to negotiate the
VPI/VCI range parameters with peers. This feature allows you to:
Specify ranges for SVPs/SVCs.
Avoid VPI/VCI conflicts when attempting to set up soft PVPs or soft PVCs.
You can still configure PVPs and PVCs in any supported range, including any VPI/VCI range you
configured for SVPs/SVCs.
Note This feature is supported in ILMI 4.0.
Note To ensure that SVCs are preserved during a route processor switchover, you must configure the switch
to synchronize dynamic information between the route processors. For more information , see Chapter 3,
“Initially Configuring the ATMSwitch Router.”