ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter4 Configuring System Management Functions
Configuring the Privilege Level
Configuring the Privilege Level
This section describes configuring and displaying the privilege level access to the ATM switch router.
The access privileges can be configured at the global level or at the line level for a specific line.

Configuring Privilege Level (Global)

To set the privilege level for a command, use the following global configuration command:
To allow or disallow execution of the enable command for privileged access on the secondary route
processor, use the following redundancy configuration command:
To display your current level of privilege, use the following privileged EXEC command:

Configuring Privilege Level (Line)

To set the default privilege level for a line, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration
To display your current level of privilege, use the following privileged EXEC command:
Command Purpose
privilege mode level number command [type] Sets the privilege level.
Command Purpose
secondary console allow enable-mode To allow execution of the enable command on
the secondary route processor.
Command Purpose
show privilege Displays the privilege level.
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# line [aux | console | vty]
line-number [ending-line-number]
Selects the line to configure.
Step2 Switch(config-line)# privilege level number Configures the default privilege level.
Command Purpose
show privilege Displays the privilege level.