ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter12 Using Access Control
Configuring a Template Alias
During initial configuration, perform the following steps to use access control to filter setup messages:
Step1 Create a template alias allowing you to use real names instead of ATM addresses in your ATM filter
Step2 Create the ATM filter set or filter expression based on your requirements.
Step3 Associate the filter set or filter expression to an interface using the atm atm access-group command.
Step4 Confirm the configuration.
Configuring a Template Alias
To configure an ATM template alias, use the following command in global configuration mode:
The following example creates a template alias named training using the ATM address template 47.1328
and the ellipses (...) to fill in the trailing 4-bit hexadecimal digits in the address:
Switch(config)# atm template-alias training 47.1328...
The following example creates a template alias named bit_set with the ATM address template
47.9f9.(1*0*).88ab... that matches the four addresses that begin with the foll owing:
47.9F9(1000).88AB... = 47.9F98.88AB...
47.9F9(1001).88AB... = 47.9F99.88AB...
47.9F9(1100).88AB... = 47.9F9C.88AB...
47.9F9(1101).88AB... = 47.9F9D.88AB...
Switch(config)# atm template-alias bit_set 47.9f9(1*0*).88ab...
The following example creates a template alias named byte_wise with the ATM address template
47.9*F8.33... that matches all ATM addresses beginning with the following sixteen prefixes:
Switch(config)# atm template-alias byte_wise 47.9*F8.33...
Command Purpose
atm template-alias name template Configures a global ATM address template