ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter12 Using Access Control
Configuring an ATM Filter Expression

Deleting Filter Sets

To delete an ATM filter set, use the following command in global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to display and delete filter sets:
Switch# show atm filter-set
ATM filter set tod1
deny From 11:15 Hrs Till 22:45 Hrs index 2
permit From 0:0 Hrs Till 0:0 Hrs index 4
ATM filter set tod2
deny From 20:0 Hrs Till 6:0 Hrs index 1
permit From 3:30 Hrs Till 3:30 Hrs index 2
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# no atm filter-set tod1 index 2
Switch(config)# no atm filter-set tod2
Switch(config)# end
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Switch# show atm filter-set
ATM filter set tod1
permit From 0:0 Hrs Till 0:0 Hrs index 4
Configuring an ATM Filter Expression
To create global ATM filter expressions, perform the following steps in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
no atm filter-set name [index number] Deletes a global ATM address filter set.
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# atm filter-expr name term Defines a simple filter expression with only one
term and no operators.
Step2 Switch(config)# atm filter-expr name
[destination | source | src] term1 and
[destination | source | src] term2
Defines a filter expression using the operator
Step3 Switch(config)# atm filter-expr name not
[destination | source | src] term
Defines a filter expression using the operator not.
Step4 Switch(config)# atm filter-expr name
[destination | source | src] term1 or [destination
| source | src] term2
Defines a filter expression using the operator or.
Step5 Switch(config)# atm filter-expr name
[destination | source | src] term1 xor
[destination | source | src] term2
Defines a filter expression using the operator xor.
Step6 Switch(config)# no atm filter-expr name Deletes a filter.