ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
T3/T1 time slot mapping (figure) 20-2
cdv command, ces circuit 19-6, 19-66, 19-70
configuring ATM default 9-31
displaying configuration 9-31
CE1 Frame Relay controllers
changing default yellow alarms, example 20-8
displaying configuration, example 20-9
CE1 Frame Relay interfaces
configuring 20-7 to20-9
default configuration 20-7
cell delay variation tolerance. See CDVT
cell flows
on demand or periodic (note) 8-2
support for 8-1
cell-payload scrambling, disabling 3-6
configuring PNNI trace connection (note) 11-59
configuring soft PVC with priority 7-35
deleting circuits 19-55to 19-56
E1 interfaces 19-2to 19-7
reconfiguring circuits 19-54to 19-55
SGCP 19-56to 19-61
soft PVCs 19-7to 19-9
structured services
hard PVCs 19-19to 19-22
hard PVCs with shaped tunnel 19-23to 19-28
multiple soft PVCs same port 19-38to 19-44
overview 19-18
soft PVCs 19-28to 19-34
soft PVCs with CAS enabled 19-34to 19-37
soft PVCs with CAS on-hook detection
enabled 19-37t o 19-38
SVCs 19-48to 19-53
T1 interfaces 19-2to 19-7
unstructured services
hard PVCs 19-10to 19-13
overview 19-9to 19-10
soft PVCs 19-13to 19-18
SVCs 19-44to 19-48
ces aal1 clock adaptive command 19-12
ces aal1 clock command 19-4
ces aal1 clock synchronous command 19-15, 19-45
ces aal1 service command 19-4, 19-66, 19-70
ces aal1 service structured command 19-12
ces aal1 service unstructured command 19-15, 19-45
ces address command, show 19-8
ces circuit cdv command 19-6, 19-66, 19-70
ces circuit circuit-name command 19-12
ces circuit command 19-4, 19-62
ces circuit command, show 19-13, 19-48, 19-53
ces circuit interface command, show 19-13, 19-48, 19-53
ces circuit timeslots command 19-21
ces dsx1 clock source command 19-5
ces dsx1 framing command 19-5
ces dsx1 framing esf command 19-21
ces dsx1 framing sf command 19-7
ces dsx1 lbo command 19-5
ces dsx1 linecode command 19-5, 19-40
ces dsx1 loopback command 19-5
ces dsx1 signalmode robbedbit command 19-5
ATM addresses
configuring 19-8, 19-9
displaying 19-8, 19-43
soft PVCs 19-14, 19-28
description 19-2
network clock services 3-18
CES point-to-multipoint soft PVCs
configuring 19-64
configuring retry intervals 19-78
displaying 19-72
enabling or disabling 7-70, 19-75, 19-76
example 19-66, 19-67, 19-70, 19-71
example (figure) 19-65, 19-69
guidelines 19-64
ces pvc