ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter19 Configuring Circuit Emulation Services
Configuring SGCP
The CES circuit is not configured as part of a hard PVC.
The following sections describe SGCP configuration tasks:
Configuring SGCP on the Entire Switch, page 19-57
Displaying SGCP, page 19-57
Configuring CES Circuits for SGCP, page 19-58
Displaying SGCP Endpoints, page 19-59
Displaying SGCP Connections, page 19-60
Configuring SGCP Request Handling, page 19-60
Configuring Call-Agent Address, page 19-60
Shutting Down SGCP, page 19-61
Configuring SGCP on the Entire Switch
To enable SGCP operations for the entire switch, use the following global configuration command:
The following example shows how to enable SGCP for the entire switch:
Switch(config)# sgcp
Displaying SGCP
To display SGCP configuration, operational state, and a summary of connection activity, use the
following privileged EXEC command:
The following example displays the SGCP configuration:
Switch# show sgcp
SGCP Admin State ACTIVE, Oper State ACTIVE
SGCP call-agent:none , SGCP graceful-shutdown enabled? FALSE
SGCP request timeout 2000, SGCP request retries 6
74 CES endpoint connections created
74 CES endpoints in active connections
Command Purpose
sgcp Enables or disables SGCP operations for the entire switch.
Command Purpose
show sgcp Displays the global SGCP configuration.