ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter19 Configuring Circuit Emulation Services
Configuring Point-to-Multipoint CES SoftPVC Connections
The following example shows how to set a CES switched VC with an explicit path on CBR
interface 3/1/0.
Switch(config)# interface cbr3/1/0
Switch(config-if)# ces circuit 6 timeslots 6
Switch(config-if)# ces svc 6 dest-address
47.0091.8100.0000.0010.073c.0101.4000.0c81.903c.60 explicit-path 1 identifier 1
Switch(config-if)# end

Displaying CES VC Explicit Path Configuration

To display the CES VC explicit path, use the following EXEC command:
The following example show running-config command example shows the soft PVC with an explicit
Switch# show running-config interface cbr 3/1/0
no ip address
ces aal1 service Structured
ces circuit 6 timeslots 6
ces circuit 6 shutdown
ces svc 6 dest-address 47.0091.8100.0000.0010.073c.0101.4000.0c81.903c.60
ces svc 6 redo-explicit explicit-path 1 identifier 1 only-explicit
no ces circuit 6 shutdown
Configuring Point-to-Multipoint CES Soft PVC Connections
This section describes how to configure point-to-multipoint CES soft permanent virtual channel (PVC)
connections that provide the following features:
Connection to multiple hosts or ATM switch routers that support point-to-multipoint soft PVC
Creation of point-to-multipoint CES soft PVC connections without the complexity of managing
large configurations as described in the “Configuring Virtual Channel Connections” section on
page 7-2.
Reroute or retry capabilities when a failure occurs in the network.
Note Point-to-multipoint soft PVP connections are not supported.
Command Purpose
show running-config [interface cbr
card/subcard/port [circuit-id]]
Displays the CES interface explicit path