ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter2 Understanding the User Interface
Accessing Each Command Mode
You can enter commands in uppercase, lowercase, or a mix of both. Only passwords are case sensitive.
You can abbreviate commands and keywords to a minimum unique string of characters. For example,
you can abbreviate the show command to sh. After entering the command line at the system prompt,
press the Return key to execute the command.
Almost every configuration command has a no form. In general, use the no form to disable a feature or
function. Use the command without the no keyword to reenable a disabled feature or enable a feature
disabled by default.
Note Refer to the ATM Switch Router Command Reference publication for the complete synta x of commands
specific to the ATM switch router and a description of the function of the no form of a command. Refer
to the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference publication for the complete syntax of other
IOS commands.
Accessing Each Command Mode
This section describes how to access the command modes for the ATM switch router. Table 2- 1 and
Table 2 -2 list the command modes, access to each mode, the prompt you see while in that mode, the main
uses for each configuration mode, and the method to exit that mode. The prompts listed assume the
default ATM switch router name “Switch.” Table 2 -1 and Tab le 2-2 might not include all of the possible
ways to access or exit each command mode.
Table2-1 Summary of Command Modes
Command Mode Access Method Prompt Exit Method
EXEC (user) Log in to the ATM switch
Switch> Use the logout command.
Privileged EXEC From user EXEC mode, use
the enable EXEC command
and enter your password.
Switch# To return to user EXEC
mode, use the disable
ROM monitor From privileged EXEC mode,
use the reload EXEC
command. Press Break during
the first 60seconds while the
system boots.
>To exit to user EXEC mode,
type continue.
Global configuration From privileged EXEC mode,
use the configure privileged
EXEC command. Use the
keyword terminal to enter
commands from your
Switch(config)# To exit to privileged EXEC
mode, use the exit or end
command or press Ctrl-Z.
Interface configuration From global configuration
mode, specify an interface
with an interface command.
Switch(config-if)# To exit to global
configuration mode, use the
exit command.
To exit directly to privileged
EXEC mode, use the end
command or press Ctrl-Z.