ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
CDV cell delay variation
CDVT cell delay variation tolerance
CE1 channelized E1
CES circuit emulation services
CES-IWF circuit emulation services interworking function
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CIR committed information rate
Cisco IFS Cisco IOS File System
CLI command-line interface
CLP cell loss priority
CLR cell loss ration
CoS class of service
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CSR cam pus switch router
CTC common transmit clocking
CTD cell transfer delay
CTT Connection Traffic Table
CTTR Connection Traffic Table row
CUG closed user group
DACS digital access and crossconnect system
DCC Data Country Code
DIP dual in-line package
DLCI data-link connection identifier
EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion Indication
EHSA Enhanced High System Availability
EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
ELAN emulated LAN
EPD early packet discard
ESI end system identifier
FC-PCQ feature card per-class queuing
FC-PFQ feature card per-flow queuing
FDL facility data link
FE Fast Ethernet
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GE Gigabit Ethern et
TableB-1 List of Acronyms (continued)
Acronym Definition