ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter9 Configuring Resource Management
Configuring Global Resource Management
Configuring the Sustainable Cell Rate Margin Factor, page 9-13
Overview of Threshold Groups, page 9-14
Configuring the Default QoS Objective Table
Resource management provides a table of default objective values for quality of service (QoS) for
guaranteed service categories. These values—either metrics or attributes—are used as the criteria for
connection setup requirements.
Note Default objective values for QoS for guaranteed service categories can be configured for UNI4.0
Table 9 -3 lists the default values of the QoS objective table.
Each objective can have a defined or undefined value. If undefined, the objective is not cons idered in
connection setup. The table should be configured with the same values for an entire network.
To configure the default QoS objective table, perform the following tasks in global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to change the constant bit rate (CBR) maximum cell loss ratio
objective for cell loss priority (CLP) = 0+1 to 10-12 cells per second:
Switch(config)# atm qos default cbr max-cell-loss-ratio clp1plus0 12
Table9-3 Default QoS Objective Table Row Contents
Max Cell Transfer
Delay (clp01)
Peak-to-Peak Cell
Delay Variation (clp01)
Cell Loss
Ratio (clp0)
Cell Loss Ratio
CBR Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined
VBR-RT Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined
VBR-NRT — Undefined Undefined
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# atm qos default {cbr | vbr-rt}
max-cell-transfer-delay {microseconds | any}
Selects the ATM QoS default CBR or VBR-RT
maximum cell transfer delay.
Step2 Switch(config)# atm qos default {cbr | vbr-rt}
peak-to-peak- cell-delay variation
{microseconds | any}
Selects the ATM QoS default CBR or VBR-RT
peak-to-peak cell delay variation.
Step3 Switch(config)# atm qos default {cbr | vbr-rt |
vbr-nrt} max-cell-loss-ratio [clp0 | clp1plus0]
{loss-ratio-exponent | any}
Selects the ATM QoS default CBR, VBR-RT, or
VBR-NRT maximum cell loss ratio.