ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
structured services with shaped VP
tunnel 19-23to 19-27
unstructured services 19-10to 19-12
description 19-7
for structured services 19-22
for unstructured services 19-13
structured services with a shaped VP tunnel 19-27
hard PVPs
configuring 7-17 to7-19
displaying configuration 7-18
example 7-17
example (figure) 7-17
overview 1-1to 1-4
resource management description 9-2
testing installation and configuration 3-25
verifying 3-3
hardware RM
description 9-2
hierarchical VP tunnels
multiple service categories 7-83to 7-86
service categories (table) 16-14
host name, default 2-5
hostname command 4-20
changing default host name 2-5
configuring system information 3-19
ICMP messages 12-11
forwarding 17-2to 17-3
SNMP identifier 15-23
ATM addresses 11-4
configuring 6-7, 11-2t o11-7
configuring interfaces 6-7
displaying configurations 6-8
overview 11-1
routing mode 11-2to 11-4
static routes 3-18, 11-6
access filters 10-2to 10-3
ATM addresses 10-1
ATM address groups 10-8
configuring interfaces 10-5to 10-8
configuring nondefault PVC 7-74
displaying address prefix 10-6
global system configuration 10-1to 10-5
LECS address 10-3
overview 10-1
switch address prefixes 3-5
frames 21-2
groups 21-6to 21-12
overview 21-1to 21-3
T1/E1 IMA interfaces 21-3to 21-5
ima active-links-minimum command 21-13
ima clock-mode command 21-14
ima differential-link-delay command 21-15
ima frame-length command 21-16
IMA frames
description 21-2
layout (figure) 21-3
ima-group command
adding interfaces to groups 21-8
creating groups 21-7
deleting interfaces groups 21-10
IMA groups
adding interfaces 21-8
configuring parameters
active minimum links 21-13
differential delay 21-15
frame length 21-16
interface clock mode 21-14
test pattern 21-17