ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Adding a New Lowest Level of PNNI Hierarchy
Moving Switch SanFran.BldA.T5 Down into an Existing Peer Group
After you move the first ATM switch router down to form a new peer group, you can move the remaini ng
ATM switch routers down into the peer group one by one. You should move the ATM switch routers
down in an order that keeps the peer group contiguous.
The following example shows how to move switch SanFran.BldA.T5 down into a peer group at level 72:
SanFran.BldA.T5# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
SanFran.BldA.T5(config)# atm router pnni
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-atm-router)# node 1 disable
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# node 1 level 72 enable
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# end
Note When you move an ATM switch router down into an existing peer group, the ability to establish new
connections across that ATM switch router is lost temporarily (up to several seconds).
To verify the configuration, use the show atm pnni local-node and show atm pnni hierarchy
commands. For examples of these commands, see Configuring Second Level of PNNI Hierarchy on
Switches T3 and T4, page A-4.
You can configure one or more of the ATM switch routers that have been moved down into the peer group
as a backup PGL. The following example shows how to configure SanFran.BldA.T5 as a backup PGL
for the peer group SanFran (see Figure A-4):
SanFran.BldA.T5# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
SanFran.BldA.T5(config)# atm router pnni
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-atm-router)# node 2 level 56
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# name SanFran
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# no auto-summary
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# exit
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-atm-router)# node 1
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# election leadership-priority 10
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# parent 2
SanFran.BldA.T5(config-pnni-node)# end
SanFran.BldA.T5# show atm pnni local-node
PNNI node 1 is enabled and running
Node name: SanFran.BldA.T5
System address 47.009144556677223310111244.00603E7B2401.01
Node ID 72:160:47.009144556677223310111244.00603E7B2401.00
Peer group ID 72:47.0091.4455.6677.2233.0000.0000
Level 72, Priority 10 10, No. of interfaces 2, No. of neighbors 1
Parent Node Index: 2
<information deleted>
PNNI node 2 is enabled and not running
Node name: SanFran
System address 47.009144556677223310111244.00603E7B2401.02
Node ID 56:72:47.009144556677223300000000.00603E7B2401.00
Peer group ID 56:47.0091.4455.6677.0000.0000.0000
Level 56, Priority 0 0, No. of interfaces 0, No. of neighbors 0
Parent Node Index: NONE
<information deleted>