ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter7 Configuring Virtual Connections
Configuring a VPI/VCI Range for SVPs and SVCs
The following example shows how to confirm the VPI and VCI range configuration on an ATM interface. The values displayed for ConfMaxSvpcVpi, ConfMaxSvccVpi, and ConfM inSvccVci are local values. The values displayed for CurrMaxSvpcVpi, CurrMaxSvccVpi, and CurrMinSvccVci are negotiated values.
Switch# show atm interface atm 0/0/0
Interface: ATM0/0/0 Port-type: oc3suni
IF Status: DOWN Admin Status: down
Auto-config: enabled AutoCfgState: waiting for response from peer
IF-Side: Network IF-type: UNI
Uni-type: Private Uni-version: V3.0
ConfMaxVpiBits: 8 CurrMaxVpiBits: 8
ConfMaxVciBits: 14 CurrMaxVciBits: 14
Max-VP: 255 Max-VC: 16383
ConfMaxSvpcVpi: 100 CurrMaxSvpcVpi: 100
ConfMaxSvccVpi: 100 CurrMaxSvccVpi: 100
ConfMinSvccVci: 60 CurrMinSvccVci: 60
Svc Upc Intent: pass Signalling: Enabled
ATM Address for Soft VC: 47.0091.8100.0000.0040.0b0a.2a81.4000.0c80.0000.00
Configured virtual links:
PVCLs SoftVCLs SVCLs TVCLs PVPLs SoftVPLs SVPLs Total-Cfgd Inst-Conns
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
Logical ports(VP-tunnels): 0
Input cells: 0 Output cells: 0
5 minute input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
Input AAL5 pkts: 0, Output AAL5 pkts: 0, AAL5 crc errors: 0
The following example shows how to confirm the peer’s local values for VPI and VCI range configuration by displaying the ILMI status on an ATM interface:
Switch# show atm ilmi-status atm 0/0/0
Interface : ATM0/0/0 Interface Type : Private NNI
ILMI VCC : (0, 16) ILMI Keepalive : Disabled
Addr Reg State: UpAndNormal
Peer IP Addr: Peer IF Name: ATM0/0/0
Peer MaxVPIbits: 8 Peer MaxVCIbits: 14
Peer MaxVPCs: 255 Peer MaxVCCs: 16383
Peer MaxSvccVpi: 255 Peer MinSvccVci: 255
Peer MaxSvpcVpi: 48
Configured Prefix(s) :

Note Note that the show atm ilmi-status command displays the information above only if the peer supports it.